DBell Consulting



To be recognised as Western Australia’s premier source for Health and Safety, Environmental and Quality (HSEQ), Compliance and Risk Management support.


Everything that we do is underpinned by our values. We believe that these values are core to providing exceptional support to our clients, and will guide our approach to providing value.

People Centred: We work with you to build better frameworks for working together.

Reliable: Build capacity, permitting work to be done safely, on-time and as planned.

Innovative: Re-define how risk is recognised and embraced.

Responsive: What you need, when you need it.

Comprehensive: Attention to detail, no more and no less.

Sustainable: Meeting the future needs of your organisation and stakeholders, as well as those of today.

Principal Consultant, Dean Bell is an experienced HSEQ Manager, and has extensive experience across the aviation, mining, transport, construction, telecommunications, retail and services industries, holding a range of qualifications:

  • Advanced Diploma in Occupational Health & Safety
  • ICAM Lead Investigator
  • Commerce WA WorkSafe Plan Assessor
  • Injury Management & Return to Work Coordinator
  • ISO 9001 Quality Management System Lead Auditor
  • ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Lead Auditor
  • ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety Management System Lead Auditor
  • Regulatory Compliance Lead Auditor
  • Working Safely at Heights Ticket
  • Contract Management Essentials (Aust. Institute of Management)
  • Dangerous Goods by Air Handling and Acceptance – Non-hazardous (CASA Group B, C, D and E)
  • Construction Industry Safety Induction (White Card)
  • CASA Drug and Alcohol Management Plan Supervisor
  • S123 Mining Supervisor (QLD)


DBell Consulting



Audit Services
ISO Management System Development
HSEQ Support
Compliance Services

What We Do

Are your operational and risk management systems effective in helping you to win new work, maintain work standards and prevent adverse outcomes?

Are you moving towards ISO certification? We can guide your preparation, right through to supporting your certification audit.

Are you confident that your business is compliant with legislation, industry standards, or even your own policies? An independent compliance audit can provide you with that assurance.

We’ll help to clarify tender and project requirements, develop project HSE & QA Plans, Document Control, Sub-contractor due diligence and project compliance audits.

ICAM-trained in incident investigations, and experienced in supporting all parties through injury management aspects following workplace incidents.

Need occasional support of an experienced HSEQ Manager? 

Call us to discuss a tailored approach to your needs – as much or as little as required.



From the President’s Desk: Strategic Planning for the Future

  From the President’s Desk: Strategic Planning for the Future     As we look to the future of Wanneroo Business Association, I want to take a moment to high...